Neatnik Amanda vs a Professional Organizer: Organizing for Your Passion

Well of course the food at Amanda’s party was fabulous; she got everything from a caterer. Amanda hates to cook. When you throw a party, the best part is making the food, because cooking is so much fun. Now you understand why Amanda’s kitchen is always organized; she doesn’t use it. Your kitchen is full of stuff you actually use. Except… you can never find what you need because it’s so disorganized.
Of course, Amanda hates your kitchen. She says you need to get rid of your special cooking tools and cookbooks and make it just like hers. But Amanda doesn’t cook. She doesn’t even know what half of your tools do. If Amanda organized your kitchen, you’d be lucky to have a garlic press left. By the way, where is the garlic press?
Organizing your kitchen with a Professional Organizer would be fun. POs enjoy working with people who have a passion. With a PO helping you, your kitchen would be organized for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. You’d be able to spend your time creating yummy food instead of looking for things. When a PO helps you organize, she won’t demand you throw out all your special tools. She’ll help you prioritize and store what you use the most within easy reach. She’ll help you find other places to put the things you don’t often use so your kitchen will be streamlined, easy to work in and easy to clean.
Doesn’t it sound like more fun to organize your kitchen with someone who wants you to enjoy your hobby, instead of Amanda, who doesn’t even like cooking?
Copyright© 2020 Elizabeth Tawney Gross, Organizing For Everyday, LLC