8 Things a Professional Organizer Doesn’t Do
June 18, 2019 / /

As a Professional Organizer I can help you get your stuff, your space and your time organized.
What I won’t do is:
- Judge you. Clutter is just clutter, not a character flaw.
- Tell anyone about your clutter. My lips are zipped!
- Make you throw everything away. You will make all the decisions about what to keep and what to release.
- Tell you how to do things. You are in charge of the process.
- Make your house work for me instead of you. You have your own preferences and I will honor them.
- Hurry you to make decisions. If you need more time, we’ll take it.
- Work without you. I want you to learn how to be organized. You can’t learn if you don’t come to class.
- Clean your house. Getting it organized will make it easier for you, not me, to clean.
Posted in About Professional Organizing