Neatnik Amanda vs. a Professional Organizer: Your Stuff is Important to You

If Amanda’s said it once she’s said it a hundred times, “Just get rid of all this stuff.” What she doesn’t understand, but a PO does, is that your stuff is important to you. Okay, you know you probably need to let go of some of it, but not everything—lots of it is good stuff. When you work with a PO there is no expectation that everything has to go. POs know there are things that should be kept. A PO will work with you to prioritize and help you decide what you need to keep and how much.
You really like Amanda’s house. But is that your vision for your own home? You really don’t want your house to look just like Amanda’s, do you? Doesn’t hers feel a little too “perfect” to you? Do you really feel relaxed when you are at her house? Besides, you really like your collection of giraffes. Amanda thinks they’re ugly and stupid. A PO will help you figure out what is important to you, no matter what someone else thinks. If something is meaningful to you, a PO will help you find a place for it to be displayed and enjoyed. A PO would never tell you that your giraffes are stupid. (Especially this PO, who collects giraffes.)
You would rather die than have a dumpster in your driveway. All the neighbors will think you’re a hoarder like the ones they see on TV. But that’s what Amanda says you should do, just take a bunch of trash bags and throw it all away. A PO will work with you on a plan to let go of some of your stuff. Maybe some things could go to a charity that you support. What charities will accept and how to schedule pick-ups is information that a PO will have available to help you.
Wouldn’t you rather work with someone who respects you and your things?
Copyright© 2019 Elizabeth Tawney Gross, Organizing For Everyday, LLC